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Local Development Scheme

Work programme for the Local Plan Review

New Forest District (outside the National Park)

October 2024





1    Introduction. 3

2    Context for the Local Development Scheme (LDS) update. 5

3    Local Plan review approach and programme. 6

4    Documents supporting the Local Plan. 7

Annex 1: Initial programme for 2024/25 and 2025/26 and for the preparation of the Local Plan review.. 8



1        Introduction

1.1      The Local Development Scheme provides information about the production of the New Forest District Local Plan for the area outside the New Forest National Park (Figure 1) hereafter referred to as the ‘plan area’. The National Park Authority is responsible for producing the Local Plan for the National Park area.


Figure 1: Map of the New Forest District Council Local Planning Authority Area

1.2      The Local Development Scheme (LDS) sets out the work programme for the Local Plan review and identifies when the public and other interested parties can get involved in the process of plan-making. It includes information about the content and production timetable for the Local Plan review, superseding the previous 2021 version which addressed preparation of the Local Plan Part 2 2016-2036.  The Local Plan Part 2 is no longer being progressed; work undertaken so far will be included within the full Local Plan review.

1.3      The Local Plan is the most important part of the Development Plan for the plan area. The Development Plan is the statutory basis for deciding planning applications, provided that it is up to date. As at February 2024 the Development Plan for New Forest District (outside the National Park) comprises the following:

·              the Local Plan 2016-2036 Part 1: Planning Strategy adopted July 2020

·              Saved policies from the following earlier Local Plans as listed in Appendix A of the Local Plan Part 1: Planning Strategy (2020)

·              the Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy adopted in October 2009

·              the Local Plan Part 2: Sites and Development Management adopted in April 2014

·              Policy DW-E12: Protection of Landscape Features - saved from the Local Plan First Review (2005).

·              the Hampshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan adopted by the Hampshire Minerals and Waste authorities in October 2013.

·              'Made' (Adopted by a supportive local referendum, after review by an independent examiner) Neighbourhood Development Plans - as at October 2024 these are for the Hythe & Dibden, New Milton and Ringwood neighbourhood areas.

1.4      As at October 2024 Neighbourhood Plans are being prepared by Totton & Eling Town Council and Lymington & Pennington Town Council, with New Milton currently reviewing their Neighbourhood Plan. If 'made' these Neighbourhood Plans would also become part of the Local Development Plan. Fordingbridge and Sandleheath are designated as Neighbourhood Areas for the purposes of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan but as yet no plans have been drafted or published.

2        Context for the Local Development Scheme (LDS) update

2.1      The Local Plan 2016-2036 Part 1 was adopted in July 2020. It was prepared in a period of national planning policy transition, notably in respect of calculating housing need and the setting of housing targets. The Plan was found sound (subject to agreed modifications) with no requirement for early review in the light of the new planning guidance in place at the time of Local Plan examination.

2.2      Shortly after the adoption of the Local Plan 2016-2036 Part 1 in 2020 the government consulted on wide-ranging changes to the planning system and the plan-making process. The Council paused work on the Local Plan Part 2 until it became clearer whether further work on it would be overtaken by events.

2.3      The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act (2023) makes revisions to the plan-making process, requiring local plans to be focussed on locally distinctive matters (including identifying land for development and other needs), and that they should be contained in a single document.  Subsequent changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) were published in December 2023. Further planned changes to the planning system are expected, including introducing national development management policies for the first time.

2.4      An LDS for a Local Plan Review was originally published in March 2024. However, following the result of the general election and subsequent consultation on the revised NPPF there has been a need to revise this.

3        Local Plan review approach and programme

3.1      The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 set out the main requirements for preparing a local plan. The general process followed is shown in (Figure 2), this may evolve as further planning reforms details are introduced.

Figure 2: Local Plan Preparation stages

3.2      The next Local Plan review will comprise a single document, replacing the Local Plan 2016-2036 Part 1 and all policies ‘saved’ from earlier Local Plans.

3.3      There can be more than one public consultation before the Local Plan review is published in final ‘submission’ form (when it is open for further public consultation to inform the examination process). Prior to the final submission stage of public consultation, the Council intends to hold an early consultation in early 2025 on the issues the Local Plan review should cover and its scope. This will be followed by consultation on a full draft of the Local Plan review in Autumn 2025.

3.4      For areas where a Neighbourhood Plan is being actively prepared and positive progress is being made, the scope and content of the Local Plan review will be considered in the light of community-led planning objectives. The aim will be to ensure the timely progression of a sufficient and consistent planning framework for the plan area as a whole, whilst avoiding unnecessary duplication.

4        Documents supporting the Local Plan

4.1      A full evidence base will be prepared to support the exploration and testing of key issues and feasible policy options for the Local Plan review.

4.2      A range of existing Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) and other supplementary guidance supports the adopted Local Plan 2016-2036, although these are expected to cease to apply from 2027 under the provisions of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act (2023). Further details on supplementary guidance can be found on our Planning Policy guidance page.

4.3      The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act (2023) requires that a Design Code (or Codes) be prepared to cover the full local plan area. This work would replace, in whole or part, existing SPD or supplementary guidance documents that provide guidance on local design and character. A plan area-wide Design Code will be prepared alongside the Local Plan review. Further Design Codes for specific communities, sites or types of development will be considered

Annex 1: Initial programme for 2024/25 and 2025/26 and for the preparation of the Local Plan review

Local Plan Review


















Initial evidence base scoping and commissioning































Preparation of an Issues and Scope public consultation document































Call for sites
































Public consultation on the Local Plan Issues and Options































Consultation review, evidence base development, option testing, Local Plan drafting































Public Consultation on a full Draft Local Plan ('Regulation 18')
































Consultation review, further testing, and refinement
































Public Consultation on Published Plan  (regulation 19)




To be published at a later date once
planning reforms in progress are finalised.


Examination period 1

Submit published local plan for independent examination (regulation 22)




Examination hearing




In-examination Modifications and consultation, if recommended by the Inspector




Inspector's report








1. The timing and duration of the examination period is at the discretion of the Planning Inspectorate.  Modifications of some form may be required.  These may affect the final Local Plan adoption date.